Nick DeNardis

User experience, code, higher education, analytics and accessibility.

On the matter of something inspiring

Awesome, my white elephant gift (opens new window)Without inspiration nothing gets done, nothing good at least. And although good things are subjective its easy to notice when you see them.

My inspiration is talks, I love listening to them, reading slides and see what people are working on. Their passion inspires me, their love for their projects and leading edge work makes me want to further my work. Its not to compete with them its just their pure passion they are pouring out to the crowd makes me inspired to pour my passion into my work and hopefully be able to present my work to an interested crowd.

Secondly inspiring blog posts really get me going and ready to work on something that will change the world. I have a philosophy that if something you are working on will not change the world your time as a living thinking human is being wasted, might sound a little harsh but i am not an absolutist. Of course things like shopping or cleaning are not what I am talking about but all interactions with people and work. The thought of expanding the human race always needs to be a motivating factor.

We are all human, we all have the same goal in mind, lets not loose sight of that.

Your not told what your not suppose to know. (opens new window)