Nick DeNardis

User experience, code, higher education, analytics and accessibility.

Amazed how fast Google and Yahoo index Flickr

It took just a few hours and my misspelled title on a Flickr photo (opens new window) made it to the top spot on Google and Yahoo. With thousands of photos being uploaded every minute it amazes me how efficient search engines are.

Often I use google to search for the correct spelling of words. Mainly because I have way too many thoughts running around, if I stop to really think about a words spelling I could loose more important ideas. Words don’t change their spelling too often.

“creepyist” was one of those words. Im so use to OS X’s inline spell checker that sending photos from my phone often results in misspelled words. In the 3 hours the misspelled word was on Flickr before I had a chance to correct it, it made it to the top of the search results of Google and Yahoo. Unfortunately MSN lagged behind and missed my misspelling.

Screen Shots Below: (opens new window)

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Now reindexing, that is a different issue. It has been a few hours since I made the change and still no update from Google or Yahoo. Seems odd, but I guess the more accurate the first time you upload the better its position.