Nick DeNardis

User experience, code, higher education, analytics and accessibility.

Tool of the Day: Wordpress Notifier for Mac OS X

(opens new window)An amazing tool came to my attention today, the Wordpress Notifier (opens new window). Similar to the Google Notifier (opens new window) it sits in your OS X status bar and alerts you when you get new comments to your blog. This is great because it allows you to react and respond quicker without having to keep your wp-admin page up all day or constantly get emails when you have other work to do. It even uses growl (opens new window) for the notifications.

It works with Wordpress 2.7+ (opens new window) or (opens new window) but does not yet support Wordpress MU (opens new window). I encourage everyone who has a wordpress blog and uses a mac to take this for a spin.

View Wordpress Notifier Web Site (opens new window)

Download Wordpress Notifier 0.4 (opens new window)