What do your initials say about you? NJD Edition
(opens new window)Nickolas James DeNardis (NJD)
# When You Are Comfortable:
You are philosophical and opinionated. You have quite a few pet causes, and you're always adopting a new one. People see you as clever and smart. You now a lot, and you love to talk about a variety of subjects.
# When You Are At Your Best:
You are ambitious, and hard-working. Adversity allows you to shine. You resourceful and able to make due. People see you as honest to the point of bluntness. But they always know that you'll be fair. You have the good intentions.
# When You Are in a Social Setting:
You are a determined and responsible. You strive for success, and you know what it takes to get things done. People find you to be trustworthy and a good leader. You treat people well, and they benefit from your wisdom.
Find out what your initials say about you (opens new window)