Twitter A/B Testing "Find People"
I oversee a few different Twitter accounts, @nickdenardis (opens new window), @educheckup (opens new window), and @waynestate (opens new window) just to name a few and usually have them all open throughout the day. I noticed something interesting today, they are running an A/B test on the wording of a link in the top bar.
The feature, although recently reactivated on the #newtwitter (opens new window) design, has yet to get an announcement on the Twitter Blog (opens new window). The old "who to follow" feature got it's fair share of criticism (opens new window) and was removed for a while. My personal opinion is that it was horribly implemented and didn't really help anybody. The new "who to follow" is actually pretty good and I've used it a few times to discover people.
# "Find People" vs. "Who To Follow"
Going in between two accounts today I noticed a difference in wording on the top bar. I ended up trying all my accounts and could only find two different wordings, their might be more though. It looks like Twitter is doing an A/B test with the link title, "Find People" vs. "Who To Follow". I have included some screen shots below.
(opens new window)
(opens new window)
Personally I prefer "Find People" since it is implies an action and I am being proactive about it. But I can see for Twitter newbies that "who to follow" is more about discovering and that is what would be a more enticing action.
I hope Twitter decides to share some statistics about the test on their official announcement of the feature.
# Update (Nov 22, 2010 at 3:30pm)
I was just alerted by Jesse Lavery via Twitter that he has a variation that just says "People"
[blackbirdpie url="!/jesselavery/status/6800198248439809"]
# Update (Nov 29, 2010 at 11:40pm)
And apparently some accounts, like Mallory Wood (opens new window)'s don't have any link at all to "Find People"
Do you have a different variation? Feel free to post it in the comments.