Nick DeNardis

User experience, code, higher education, analytics and accessibility.

No vember Movember

(opens new window)It all started in the Hilton upper lobby at ~2 am during some night at #HighEdWeb (opens new window) a few weeks ago. @Cliffyballgame (opens new window) randomly asked me to join his Movember team (opens new window). I had thought about doing Movember for the past few years but always had something going on that required me not to look like a total hipster or lumberjack. But this year is different, this November I don't have a single speaking engagement, no travel and no formal anything other than Thanksgiving with the family.

I only shave once a week anyways, it won't be hard to skip four times. So I thought why stop at not shaving?

# Here are a few things that I won't be doing in November:

  • Shaving (of course). Going full on lumberjack style.
  • Buying lunch (who eats multiple meals a day anyway?)
  • Drinking pop (easy)
  • Buying basically anything (unless something breaks..)
  • Go a day without publishing something online

Ok. The list is a little shorter than I felt in my head but every one of those is going to take some restraint and dedication.

Anyways.. Let's do this November!